Jamae’s March Book List: Passions Edition

When I talk to people about their passions and what they’re doing to pursue ‘em, most times the answers come attached with a string of excuses. No time, no motivation, too much work, too many commitments. A never-ending list.

But can I tell you a secret? *Whispers* Most of these excuses are rooted on the same source—guilt.

If the excuse doesn’t stem from guilt, then it is perceived to result in guilt somewhere down the line. Some throw away their pursuit because it takes a lot of time, energy, and money. They project that they’ll use up all these resources and might have nothing to show for it, which they think will riddle them with guilt. So they consider the whole endeavor a waste before it even started.

But I speak against guilt. If you truly, madly, deeply want to see where a passion can lead you, go go go for it! And make sure you enjoy the journey to its fullest potential. So if you do end up failing, you fail forward, knowing that you experienced it with your all. So, without further ado . . .

My March Book List: Passions Edition

For March, our 2016 Reader Challenge removed the guilt from pursuing our passions by simplifying the chase to one focused task – reading 3 books based on our passions.

My March book list focused on a broader sense of my passions, which were:

  1. Supporting fellow authors
  2. New adult fiction
  3. Romance novels / novellas (hey, no eye-rolling; I see you back there!)

To address these, the three books I decided to read were written by writer/blogger Jenny Bravo.

1. These Are the Moments (aka #TATM)

In #TATM, we follow Wendy and Simon’s relationship on a timeline that juxtaposes the events that are happening in the present with past events. Along the way, we experience the roller coaster of emotions that accompany serious relationships that try their hardest to work out but find they’re stuck in an on-again, off-again cycle.

I would definitely recommend this book to readers who enjoy New Adult/Young Adult fiction. Jenny’s stripped down writing style offers concise description that allows the characters’ dialogue to convey personality, emotions, and thought processes rather than spelling it out for the reader. This gives the story an extra layer of raw feeling. Overall, if you’re looking for a romance novel with #AllTheFeels, you need to read #TATM. Stat.

2. Moments Like These

Moments Like These is a novella written through Simon’s perspective of his relationship with Wendy as he reflects back on their past. After reading #TATM, readers can dig deeper into what made the relationship fall apart, finding ah-ha! moments as well as a deeper sense of compassion for Simon. In addition, the nostalgia makes the heartbreaking moments even more striking.

If you find that you enjoyed #TATM, reading Moments Like These is a must. No question about it. If you happened to dislike #TATM (and I don’t know why that’d be), give Moments Like These a chance to provide a fuller understanding of the couple’s story.

3. Those Were the Days

This novella is a prequel to #TATM and Moments Like These based on the perspective of Wendy’s younger sister, Claudia. After witnessing the unraveling of her sister’s relationship with Simon, she vows to herself to never fall in love. Ever. We follow her as she cares for yet still resists her best friend, Casey. Although we root for Casey’s efforts, readers can empathize with Claudia’s reservations.

(You know where I’m going with this, folks . . .) I can safely say I’m hooked. If you enjoyed the first two, you’ll appreciate this outsider view on the Simon and Wendy roller coaster.

What do you think, lovely?

At the end of this passion-focused month, I find that pushing the guilt aside got easier with each book I finished. After all, we’re only reading, right? 😉 (Actually, we’re doing much more, but we’ll get into that some other time . . .)

One of my dance teachers liked to remind us, “When in doubt, seek pleasure.” By making a conscious decision to be passionate about the books we pick out, we make our lives brighter and more enjoyable. Even if it isn’t love at first sight or a relationship that works out in the end, at least your intentions are set and you can move forward with a clear conscience.

*Raises glass* So whatever we decide to read for the next set of challenges, let us read ’em with the utmost passion. *Clink*

After accepting the March 2016 Reader Challenge, Jamae shares the 3 books she chose to address and, more importantly, pursue her passions. | Hint of Jam

Write Time

What books have you read this past month? How do they relate to one of your passions? Let me know in the comments below, loves! I may choose one of your books to read next.

  • Find February’s challenge here to learn how you can connect with a pen pal.
  • Find March’s challenge here to see what the Hint of Jam community is doing to pursue their passions.