Creatives Sharing in the Sunshine

A little over a week ago, Hannah Mines of Wranting Writer nominated me for the Sunshine Blogging Award. Thank you so much, Hannah!

The Sunshine Blogging Award is recognition for inspiring bloggers. After accepting this recognition, the recipient answers the nominator’s questions then asks a new set to those s / he nominates in turn, continuing the cycle. Similar to passing the spotlight forward.

Although this isn’t the usual Hint of Jam content, receiving this award brightened my day. And with all the heartache in the world, we need as much sunshine as we can get. Plus, my birthday was over the weekend, and ’tis summer. So why not? 😉

I’ll share a little about me then get to know more about you! (Read to the end, lovely.) Ready?

Sunshine & Shades ☀️

1. Are you a library lover?

  • YES. I make more trips to the library than to coffee shops. Knowing how seriously I take my coffee, this says a lot about my affections.

2. What is your favorite type of scene to write?

  • The scenes I enjoy writing are ones with snarky dialogue. Sarcastic characters for the win!

3. Star Trek or Star Wars?

  • Star Wars! Because . . .
    • I grew up with the series
    • Hayden Christensen (acting aside, he’s lovely eye candy)
    • R2D2 and BB8!

4. Who is your favorite author?

The beach is my favorite place to read 'cause of the breeze, sand, & interesting creatures! | Hint of Jam

5. Where is your favorite place to read?

  • The beach! Waves, cool sand, the variety of living creatures to observe during breaks. All the yes!

6. What is your favorite naturescape?

  • The beach. 🙂 Have I mentioned I was born an island girl?

7. Do you listen to music when writing?

  • Mhm! Music gets me in the write . . . ahem . . . right mindset.

8. Do you find it easy or hard to torture your characters?

  • Torturing my characters isn’t easy, but my tendency is to unknowingly write ’em into dangerous situations. “Oops, are those daggers? Watch out!”

I write because I must. | Hint of Jam

9. Why do you write?

  • I write because I must.

10. Who are your writing mentors?

11. How would you like to see yourself in five years?

Now, it’s your turn.

Rather than nominating specific bloggers, I’d like to learn about you! (I’m borrowing this idea from Brianna da Silva’s post.)

Yes, you, creative warrior. Because I think we should all get a chance in the spotlight.The spotlight is for sharing. Let’s get to know one another as creatives, shall we? - Sunshine Blogging Award tag | Hint of Jam

Write Time

Tag, you’re it!

  1. What are your interests outside of writing and reading?
  2. What’s your go-to snack / drink during your creative time?
  3. Would you rather be a superhero or a mystical creature?
  4. Describe your ideal create space.
  5. Why do you write / blog / create?

Choose one or take on all five. Can’t wait to see your answers in the comments below or tagged in your own blog post!

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I’m seeing this so late, after you pinged me back! xD

Okay, I totally agree with you on loving to read on the beach. ^_^ And I feel the same way about torturing my characters. I don’t WANT them to be hurt. :O But somehow I end up putting them through… heh heh heh… pretty much the worst pain imaginable… because it’s more interesting for the story I guess? *smiles guiltily* *glances at characters with an apologetic wince*

To answer the questions you posted…

(1) Entrepreneurship, outdoor adventure, linguistics, and science. 😀
(2) Chocolate and tea!
(3) Hmm…. superhero. I like saving the day. *poses heroically*
(4) Clean, clean, clean. No clutter. Well-lit. Quiet and free of distractions. ^_^
(5) I create because I can’t NOT create. O.O I blog because writing about *how* to write actually makes me a better writer! Well, my motivation IS to help others, but the selfish results are a nice side affect. 😉

Thanks for posting this!

No worries! I’m guilty for replying late. 😅

Our readers will appreciate the pain our characters had to go through. And I think our characters will understand . . . in the long run, I hope? *Also gives characters an apologetic glance* Oh, all the YES for chocolate and tea. Not just when writing, but every day, all day. Hehehe. In the name of creative fuel! 😉 And I totally agree that helping others is my main motivation for blogging, though I also benefit from what I write. A win-win for everyone.

Thank you for the idea and for sharing your answers, Brianna!

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