All in the Details | The Multipassionate Project

Where can we find the line between a brilliantly created collage and a hot mess? When does an abstract painting become more than splashes of color a four-year-old can replicate? How do we know our work makes sense to us and to our audience?

We may have asked ourselves these once or twice (or time after time after time) in our individual multipassionate journeys.

And in our third installment of The Multipassionate Project, we’re looking at how we can clear away the fog in all dimensions of our work while weaving in more of our passions into daily life.

Maria Dunn takes the lead by sharing her insight.

Maria Dunn discusses how details both define her process and her work while pursuing opportunities to incorporate more of her passions into everyday life. This is the third feature of The Multipassionate Project series. | Hint of Jam

The Creative: Maria Dunn

When I think of multipassionates, Maria Dunn is one of the first people to come to mind. She’s an art teacher, a DIY-er, a mixed media artist, a jewelry maker, a textile designer, a gardener, and a professional wrestler. Yes, y’all. Maria is Wonderwoman.

(Fun fact: She competed as a representative for Guam in the 2012 Olympics in England. 😱)

In addition to her artistic prowess and physical strength, Maria Dunn has an intense personality with a heart to connect with others. From the time I met her at the local charter school where we both taught, I knew she was a powerhouse.

She calls herself a “jack of all trades, master of few,” but what truly ties her work together lies in the finer details.

Here’s what we can learn from her methods.

Maria Dunn discusses how details both define her process and her work while pursuing opportunities to incorporate more of her passions into everyday life. This is the third feature of The Multipassionate Project series. | Hint of Jam

Fix on the Finer Points

Although many visual artists produce full bodies of work or portfolios—like fashion shows, art galleries, and makeup lines—Maria works based on the impetus of details. From mixed media sculptures to murals to orb rings, the intricacies mark the work as hers.

Take the black and white dangling earrings she’s selling in her Etsy shop, for example (which I’m low-key obsessed with). It features miniature satin rosettes, pearls, bronze keys, and polka dot feathers, all tied together with lace backings. Layer upon layer of details. “Femininity with a mishmash of details,” she says as she describes her work.

Not only is her work defined by details, but her process is also lined with trails of complexity.

Jewelry making initially wasn’t part of her repertoire. But during her trip to Singapore in 2010, a marketplace vendor selling earring pieces left behind a crumb for her to file away for later. From that first pique of interest, she collected more materials before any piece took shape. Eventually, she started by creating a lace necklace, which turned into earrings, then later morphed into orb rings. Diving deeper, drawing into the details.

Maria Dunn discusses how details both define her process and her work while pursuing opportunities to incorporate more of her passions into everyday life. This is the third feature of The Multipassionate Project series. | Hint of Jam

+ Seek the Sparks

Just like Maria’s desire to continue learning, to keep gathering these moments, we can embrace the little sparks we encounter. Instead of dismissing an idea because it isn’t “on brand,” give yourself the freedom to take on the project, especially if the idea keeps returning to you and continues resonating over time.

We need not back ourselves into a corner. We’re multipassionates! Our very nature branches out into many facets.

People will recognize our work as a result of our passion rather than a specific collection of work. Follow your intuition. Embrace the moments that spark life for you now. And if it seems like the past is creeping up on you, listen to the impulse. See where it leads and be okay with letting the detail go if it doesn’t work out.

Although we may be piqued by time-based opportunities, multi-dimensional talents are not time-fixed. Maria Dunn discusses her outlook on multipassionate living in the 3rd feature of Hint of Jam's The Multipassionate Project.

Ride the Wave of Time

Another detail Maria embraces in her career as an artist and a wrestler is timing. We all have the same number of hours in each day (unless you own a time turner or a Clockstoppers watch, then you and I need to talk), usually packed to overflowing with things we need to do.

However, being mindful of how we weave our passions into each day can help us draw closer to leading full, purpose-driven lives.

Maria and her husband recently started a non-profit wrestling organization where they coach students ranging in age from elementary to high school. In addition, she’s spread her reach by offering an extension of these classes to the after school program at the charter school where she continues to teach.

Maria Dunn discusses how details both define her process and her work while pursuing opportunities to incorporate more of her passions into everyday life. This is the third feature of The Multipassionate Project series. | Hint of Jam

+ Weaving in Opportunity

She also shares how we’re sometimes called to engage in our passions outside of our usual comfort zones. When she was presented with the opportunity to paint a troll-themed bus for a birthday party, she embraced the project to fulfill her need to paint even if it wasn’t her usual aesthetic.

Maybe sci-fi short stories are your kingdom, but you’re presented with a journalist piece on the future of time travel. Rather than immediately turning the assignment down, think about accepting the challenge to exercise your passions and talents in a new way. Within moments of discomfort, we can look forward to another way we can grow into the creatives we’re meant to become.

Maria also points out that, although we may be piqued by time-based opportunities, multidimensional talents are not time-fixed. BOOM. Remove the limits, and you just might reap the rewards of limitless possibilities.

Maria Dunn discusses how details both define her process and her work while pursuing opportunities to incorporate more of her passions into everyday life. This is the third feature of The Multipassionate Project series. | Hint of Jam

If we continue to practice and to play, the power of our talents can only grow stronger. Like Maria, we can collect these moments, these details, then create and enjoy the results before passing it on to someone who will appreciate it. Instead of getting attached to any one thing, allow the growth to happen organically.

Find ways to weave yourself into the details. Embrace each moment that comes your way so your collection of work as well as your passions can grow beyond what you could think or imagine.

You can learn more about Maria Dunn's work through Instagram and her Etsy shop, Marleya Lace. She's currently working on various orb rings, tiny terrariums overflowing with gorgeous detail. | Hint of Jam You can learn more about Maria Dunn's work through Instagram and her Etsy shop, Marleya Lace. She's currently working on various orb rings, tiny terrariums overflowing with gorgeous detail. | Hint of Jam You can learn more about Maria Dunn's work through Instagram and her Etsy shop, Marleya Lace. She's currently working on various orb rings, tiny terrariums overflowing with gorgeous detail. | Hint of Jam You can learn more about Maria Dunn's work through Instagram and her Etsy shop, Marleya Lace. She's currently working on various orb rings, tiny terrariums overflowing with gorgeous detail. | Hint of Jam

You can see more of Maria Dunn’s work on Instagram and at NKPDF Designs on Guam. She’s currently working on orb rings, which are tiny terrariums filled with gorgeous detail. In Maria’s words, “the smaller, the better.”

Maria Dunn discusses how details both define her process and her work while pursuing opportunities to incorporate more of her passions into everyday life. This is the third feature of The Multipassionate Project series. | Hint of Jam

Let’s Chat

What details make your projects stand out? Share in the comments so we can celebrate each other’s gifts!